# How to Maximize Passive Income from Liquidity Pools?
In order to receive maximum possible passive income by investing in Liquidity Pools do the following:
Select a pool and deposit the proportional amount of 2 tokens, for example WAVES and XTN. You will receive WAVESXTNLP token in return.
Note: You can optionally deposit/withdraw one (any) token of a pair.
Holders of LP tokens get (Base vAPY) profit from the token price growth. The price of an LP token grows over time because the liquidity pools make profits from trading activity and accumulate them in the pool.
Stake the received LP token to get extra profit. Your staking reward in WX token will be accumulated daily. You can claim your WX at any time.
Stake your WX token to boost your LP staking income up to x5. You will receive gWX. The more is the amount and the longer is the duration of WX token staked, the more gWX you receive in return. Your gWX balance will gradually decrease starting from the moment you stake your WX.
Keep your boost rate at maximum to receive more rewards in WX.