# JSON Confirmation
WX Network app has advanced features. One of them is Script transaction. With this feature, you can create multi-signature wallet. So, that several owners can manage assets of one WX Network account. For easier management of script transactions, we integrated JSON feature.
ℹ️ The fee for a transfer of a Smart Asset from a Smart Account is 0.001+0.004+0.004=0.009 Waves.
Set Alias for an account without a script costs 0.001 WAVES, whereas for a Smart Account it is 0.001+0.004=0.005 WAVES.
Before you start, please keep in mind that we do not recommend submitting JSON unless you are an experienced user. Errors may lead to loss of assets.
To use the advanced features you need to activate them.
Open WX Network, login to your account and click on the account avatar. Then click Settings.
In the Settings window select Advanced features checkbox.
This will enable {} JSON functionality on the Wallet screen.
Enter JSON of a transaction that you want to sign in TX JSON field.
Note: If multi-sign account signature is not needed, the first participant must clear the proofs
array in JSON code.
Click Continue.
Check the entered data and click Sign.
Note: Please keep in mind, if you specified sequence of accounts as A, B, C. Where A is multi-sig account and B, C participants of the created contract, to confirm a transaction of a multi-sig account, you must follow the sequence of confirmation by other members of the multi-sig account.
If you have difficulties with WX Network, please create a support (opens new window) ticket or ask your question (opens new window) at our forum.